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Cross Media Marketing - Netflix


Updated: Mar 21, 2022


Conventions: What genre is it? How do I know?

I can tell the genres are: Comedy, Drama and Romance because in the trailer the types of shots shown as well as the music choice convey emotions which relate to these genres (An example is shown above). The mise en scene above shows the protagonist in high-key lighting, which shows that there is nothing sinister or horrifying about to happen as he is in a relaxed environment.

Audience: Who is the film aimed at? How do I know?

The series is made for 12 and up in the UK, I know this because of reviews made about the series (Example above). I also know because of the types of shots as well as the genre shown in the trailer and how upbeat and lighthearted all the shots are, an example is of a protagonist entering a train full of people dressed up as Santa Claus.

How is the film marketed? Does it make me want to see it?

The poster shows the two protagonists behind a red background with Christmas and City drawings, this shows a pleasant atmosphere as well as style. This makes me want to see this product. It makes me want to see this product because of the jolly themes the poster has as well as the logo fonts.

How do the posters/photos link together? What is the reason for both media?

The style of the trailer, posters and photos link together very well. Colors as well as stars are centered and are made the center piece of the marketing. The typography is consistent throughout all forms of marketing, using the same font as well as font colour. The reason behind these choices was to keep everything (Marketing wise) consistent so there is no confusion between advertising.

Trailer 2: Space Force

Conventions: What genre is it? How do I know?

The genre is comedy. I know that the genre is comedy because the trailer shows shots and uses music which convey a mature comedic tone, the environments and characters both contrast as the environment is serious and technological while the characters/actors are acting like teenagers, making jokes and such.

Audience: Who is the film aimed at? How do I know?

In the United Kingdom, the age rating for this series is 15 and up. I know this because it not only says so on the IMDB page (As shown above) but also because of the nature of the comments seen regarding the series as they're structured and partially in depth. The trailer itself also gives this away as it contains moderate use of lanugage as well as mild use of alcholol and drugs.

How is the film marketed? does it make me want to see it?

The film is marketed solely through digital posters (As shown above). These posters contrast from eachother as they both not only take place in different scenarios but also use different tag lines and release dates. However, both share similarities such as having the cast shown on the poster and the release date. These advertisements make me want to see the series as the posters both look cool and stylish, they also show actors I have seen on other medias (Ex. Ben Schwartz).

How do the posters/photos link together? What is the reason for both media?

The posters and photos link together by not only using similar sets and actors but also containing the same atmosphere as eachother. They both also showcase the main actor 'Steve Carell' who also created Space Force. They both use similar lighting and typography when text is used. These similarities are to keep the show itself consitant with its content so no confusion is made between the advertising and the show.


Movie one - Spiderman: Into the spider-verse

This is a billboard advertisement for Spiderman: Into the spider-verse, The advertisement shows the movies cast as well as the movie logo and release date. Considering the promotion, this film appears to be targeted towards both children and adults due to its appearance and placement (Billboard - Mainly found on roads and motorways).

Into the spider-verse also has a secondary billboard advertisement, showing a simpler design with only two Spidermen as well as a release date and website.

Other advertisements include: (Examples below) Posters, Merchandise and a social media account (which has rebranded to fit the sequel)

Movie two - The Michaels vs Machines

This is a poster promoting The Mitchells vs the Machines. This poster shows the genre very clearly as the bright colors and cartoony aesthetic imagery (Ex. Characters, Visual effects). Considering the design of this poster, I can see that the target audience is for younger audiences (Children/Teen).

There is not much other marketing for Mitchells vs the Machines, the only other (Official) marketing I could find was the twitter social media page.


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