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Job Roles


Updated: Jun 6, 2022

My responsibilities during the filming process include:

  • Talent/Actor

  • Camera Operator

I'm going to fulfill my roles by presenting my character in the most realistic way possible as well as the most accurate to the story the team and I chose. I will also follow the script, producing well spoken dialogue as well as following stage directions accurate to the story and script itself. I will also operate the camera in a way that it keeps the movement consistent with the other operators but also keep it smooth and seamless.

I helped prepare for the shoot by suggesting ideas as well as assign roles to members of our team, this helped by keeping production consistent and keeping everyone's ideas in the same lane so the final product is all the same (conceptually) for everyone. I also made sure ideas were feasible and the locations chosen for filming were safe.

I have researched the responsibilities of the roles I have taken for the filming process, This is what my research has shown to me:

Camera Operator

The camera operator works close to the director to produce shots which match perfectly to the directors vision for the product. They are in charge of making sure shots are usable as well as flagging the shots which are unusable for whatever reason. They take orders from any producers/directors on set to move or zoom the camera if needed. The camera operator is required to keep steady movement when filming as to keep the recording smooth and realistic, this can be excused if the shot is taken from a point of view perspective.


The talent/actor works with the directors to fill the roles of characters made from the directors/ producer to build a plot they have made or been given. They also must act from the script given to them by the scriptwriters. The actor must not forget their lines or read them incorrectly (Stuttering, mumbling etc). This is a necessity to film making, especially with the type of film we are making (Live action). The actor also must act with realism as if they are the character they are portraying.


This research impacts my perception of the roles I play by helping me understand what not to do as well as what I should do. My job roles are both essential to making this project the best it can be, this motivates me to do my best when it comes to assembling this project with my team mates as well as with independent products relating to the project


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