My consent form
Aleyna's consent form
These documents are required to present our project, otherwise we cannot show our project as any contributors (Actors) need to sign these forms to give us their consent. The only two team members who needed to sign the form was myself and Aleyna.
This synopsis details the specifics of the story our product is using. This details characters and information regarding them as well as locations and an accurate timeline of events. Our project director (Alicia/Kai) gave us the plot when we discussed ideas for the initial project. The team agreed upon this during the proposal.
Cast and crew list
This lists crew roles, their definition and who will partake those roles. This is important so nobody gets confused during filming (This can happen by people not knowing what roles they will fill and/or people believing they do certain jobs when they do others) and makes sure every person in the team has a job, all team members have agreed to their jobs and are okay with doing them during the filming process.
Call sheet
This call sheet labels times and locations as well as props and equipment. This is very useful as it makes sure we have everything on the days of filming. This also helps keep times of filming concise so we do not go over any time limits as well as props and other events such as lunch and other lessons. Grace wrote this down three times to get the most accurate information, this demonstrates its importance.
Script (Click image to view full script)
This is the Script for our project. This details the voice over as well as the "stage directions" for the filming process. This is essential to completing our project as the voice over is a large part of making the trailer intresting, without voice over the trailer would feel barren. Jacob worked on the script, the script was formed from pre production storyboard as well as the finalized version.
Location recce
This is the location recce. This is very important as this makes sure all locations needed for the project are safe as well as feasable to reach with the time limits given. This also details if the locations are suitable for shooting, an example which factors into this is accuracy to the plot given. The team and I have discussed the recce as well as visited all locations needed for the project for a risk assessment.
Contingency plan
This identifys issues as well as solutions to the listed issues. This helps with keeping everything under control as well as solving problems that havent happened yet/that could happen, This prevents the filming process being ruined and the project from failing.
This lists the non-camera equipment that is needed for the filming process. This is required to make the trailer appear authentic to the script/plot as well as authentic to the scene that is being filmed. The team have considered different options and whether or not we can get certain props and costumes (Ex. Police costume, different types of false knives) but a lot of them wernt feasable or were not eligable options due to rules put in place.