(For reference: Timeplan + Proposal, Press Pack Review)
In my opinion, I have done very well in not only research but also my production and skills. My audience research has helped me evolve my products, both quantitive and qualitive analysis show a good amount of results, which aided me in the design process for this entire project.
One reason my analysis gave such good results was because of the amount of people who answered the survey, the amount of responses improved the general average accuracy.
Another reason my analysis gave such good results was because of the wide variety of answers I put in the survey itself, this provided a wider range of answers.
Another reason my analysis gave such good results was because of the detail in the writing given in my qualitive analysis.
Another reason my analysis gave such good results was because of the amount of questions I asked in the qualitive surveys,
One more reason my analysis gave such good results was because the feedback given on the qualitive feedback (The WWW and EBI).
Below are results to my primary research which was really useful in deciding whom my target audience was going to be.
Below are examples of peer feedback that we obtained throughout the project this is clearly good examples of qualitative feedback and it enables open answers to the questions proposed which helps us to develop our skills.
My product (In comparison to products I have reviewed in my research) is authentic to a real document of a Netflix film promotion, examples are provided below. There are similarities when comparing both images, but they have vastly different aesthetics as well as themes. These differences also show the different age demographics the two products have, my project is aimed for 16+ while the opposing poster is for a possibly younger audience.
I believe my product is suitable for the audience I have targeted, it is not too graphic for the audience but it is also at a level where it can be enjoyed by the audience targeted. Mock up examples (For the poster example).
Based on my feedback from peers as well as teachers, I believe I have fulfilled the required brief. Yes, this is the final production presented in context. However, I would develop my posters to reflect the story I'm trying to portray more as well as the type of horror I am going for. The image of the girl with the knife implies that the horror type I am going for is a slasher, which is not the case. I would also make sure the theme of Netflix is apparent as in previous examples it states that the film is "Coming to theatres" which is not true.
My BBFC research also applies here, due to the nature of the posters. I would want to add a visible rating to the next poster I work on in a future projects as it would add to the authenticity as well as demonstrating my research in my product. My film research also applies here as they inspired the blood red and black colour scheme my posters use. I found the movie trailers through websites like IMDB as well as YouTube. My inspiration was sourced from what made the trailers I researched scary, the conventions and codes that brought them to life.
Mise en scene is important in storytelling because an environment can tell as much story and background information as much as dialogue or written text can when done properly. Mise en scene can also make a scene pop out more, with a variety of props and scene lighting a scene can easily come to life. I did this in my project by changing the colour of the lighting in my trailer to use a bluer colour to reflect the colder, darker story I want to tell through my trailer. I also tried to show off the trees and foliage in certain scenes to make them appear more full.
In my opinion, I have done well in regards to planning, It is easily something I spent the most time on during this project. Planning made the project easier overall as it guided me in the right direction, especially when it came to editing the trailer together. It helped specifically in gathering a concise and appropriate storyboard, this aided the filming process as well as editing (as mentioned previously). The ideas given to me when researching different products, press packs, trailers and Netflix posters advanced the authenticity as well as the quality of the products I have made, while creating the individual products for the project, I used my planning to further improve them. A piece of my planning and a piece of my research is below.
The most useful piece of planning/research I used during my time spent on this project is my analysis of other Netflix projects as well as press packs and posters. Three examples of these include "Netflix Press Pack", "Ghostbusters (1984)" and "The Ripper"
The task below (The Pre-Storyboard note task) was done for two primary reasons, to figure a definitive order for the story as well as editing order, this could easily be swapped around by myself and other team members to try and develop a better order. It was also done as a way to bring the group together and enhance team working skills, this would better the team as we progressed through the rest of the project.
In my opinion, this task really helped because of the teamworking involved in it as well as the creative ways we built the storyboard from this prototype.
I believe I have done the projects agreed upon in the proposal. In my opinion, I handled time management as well as work organisation well as I made it my goal to keep progress consistent so I didn't fall behind in the timeframe I have as well as making sure everything gets completed in a concise amount of time.
The time plan wasn't as helpful as some of the other recourses I had at my disposal due to it only explaining parts of the work given to me, which didn't help me progress my work. However, it did help keep my work under control and stopped me from over working on blogs or projects which is a positive. it also helped me continue with my work when unsure of what to do. My planning documents, however, came in handy frequently as they helped me when I wasn't sure how to develop my products further. I will give three examples of how these documents have helped me: The documents helped me keep certain details consistent (Tagline, Release date etc.), I did this by checking back on previous entries as well as previous research and prototypes.
They also helped me keep track of things I should include in products like posters, I did this by referring back to my research as well as checking on the notes I wrote.
They also helped me remember the films name as well as essential pieces of the project, I did this by continuously going back through emails and google documents to get the pieces I needed.
I don't believe I need to revise my reflections, I will try to progress the quality of my reflections and research as well as planning depth in future projects. I believe everything I've planned and researched shows the amount of work I've put in over the course of these 10 weeks.
Production Skills
I believe my products follow the conventions of the genre/style the team and I have chosen. The two genres/styles we chose were horror and crime. I researched the conventions of both these genres and tried to figure out how to blend them together as well as how to apply the blend appropriately to products. I specifically researched colour schemes as well as conventional backgrounds and theming (Theming includes lighting and typography).
(Photo editing test)
The primary problems I faced during production was a lack of ideas, as inspiration began to fall flat as I developed mock ups as well as coming up with ideas for the final product. I worked around this by analysing Netflix horror/crime posters and taking additional inspiration from a multitude of posters and branding to create the final products I have created. Aside from this, I did not have any other issues as they had easy work around and were solved before they could become issues.
Development of skills
Several skills have improved since beginning the project such as: my photo editing skills, my video editing skills, my teamworking skills and my photography skills. These skills helped me enhance my project in an aesthetic and productive sense due to them being an essential part to making everything I have presented thus far. I developed my skills by practicing in my own time as well as spending a lot of time on the software I used to make this project (Examples include Photoshop, WeVideo and Canva). These skills will become useful for future projects in level 3 Media and they will develop.
(Image burn and dodge test)
I wouldn't do much differently, everything I and the team did went as good as it could have, I personally believe the experience of planning, filming and making was the best it could possibly be. If I were to change something in my project, It would relate mostly to the poster. I would possibly add a tagline as well as feature more team members names on the poster as directors, writers etc. Everything I wanted to portray is easily visible in all the promotional work made for the project. When initially researching for the project, other existing promotional material was a large inspiration and helped majorly in early production
A review of my poster as well as the locations of additions I would want is in the file below:
My secondary research because just as useful as my primary research, Links to the secondary research sources will be listed below:
These pages helped me gain knowledge on both Netflix as well as the case the project is based around, the additional knowledge helped me gain a better understanding when making products and writing down information. It also helped me make an accurate depiction of the events that took place when filming and piecing the trailer together.
When conducting my secondary research, I tried to find as many sources as I could (Primarily reliable sources such as blog posts and wiki pages). I tried to stay away from Wikipedia as it is known to be unreliable due to how easy it is to edit. I also try to keep my research varied with different types of research such as charts and questionnaires
Proposal and Timeplan
The initial idea that came before the proposal was given to the team and by our teacher. We adapted on the idea given to us and built it up overtime, this slowly moulded into the proposal as the team generated new ideas as well as different ways to execute those ideas. While some ideas were scrapped, others were kept as they fit with the initial idea and the proposal we were crafting from the start. We eventually hit a point were we believed we had done the research as well as suggested and thought through enough ideas to assemble a proposal we were happy with. We split up to make our individual proposals for the project. I will go through the proposal I made here.
Part 1
The project outcome outlined what I and the team wanted from the project, what the foundation would be and how we would build from that foundation into a finalized group of products we were happy with. The plans listed followed through in the final product (This is evident through the trailer and posters especially). I decided to mention the BBFC in the outcomes, this was because it would help outline the suitability of themes in a project (This followed through as the themes are acceptable for the target audience).
The general themes for the project were horror and crime, as the project itself revolved around a crime. This set the tone for the ideas and (Eventual) products we would make together. The overall tone of the project was rather dark, with heavy themes such as depression and abuse being present in the crime we were basing our project off of. These darker themes, however, would help keep the team focused on the specifics of our project, what should and shouldn't be in it.
Part 2
My primary source of inspiration came from my research that I conducted during the project, searching through different posters and trailers to gain a better understanding of what should be included in a general trailer and poster (Other products made apply too). I gained a sense of montage editing ( montage editing is where clips are placed together without continuity, this is the style of editing used in film trailer post production) through this inspiration as well, the research I did helped me with this style as well. My research also lengthened into how professional studios edited clips together as well as how they structure the montage editing style. I wanted to further my research into the filming side of production, as I didn't know a lot about professional filming and wanted to develop it more (To keep the quality of the project consistent).
My skills ranged from creating stylised and authentic products to the knowledge of how to operate a camera, my skills also ranged in the use of certain packages including the adobe and office packages (These were essential to making my project) as well as the use of basic editing software. My teamwork skills were good, as I had worked well with my team before the current project as well as before it.
(Referring to time plan)
We were given a restricted amount of time to plan for the filming process (One week). It was theorised that this would not be enough time to get enough footage for the trailer we were making. However, this was disproved as we got the right amount of footage to make a good trailer. I believe the time given was appropriate (Even when restricted) because we didn't need to spend a long time on the filming as all scenes were recorded and quality checked within the time frame. I believe we did an outstanding job when managing our time during the one week we were given, concisely using our time to record the right amount of footage for the trailer as well as checking through the footage within the timeframe.
The editing process was started and finished over the course of several weeks, I got the finalized version of the trailer (As well as a mock up version) of the trailer completed within the given time frame. In my opinion, more time would have made the trailer easier to make, as I struggled with time nearer the end of the time frame, the time was not restricted (Unlike the previously mentioned). An extra week of time would be enough for me to fill in the extra details I wanted to put into the trailer.
In conclusion, I believe the last ten weeks were spend well in terms of fitting time as well as the processes that built my project. As the weeks went on I grew more of an understanding for the technology I was using as well as easing into the tasks being given to me, no matter how big they were I eventually overcame them with ease. This project has taught me a lot , some of the things it has taught me include: - Teamworking skills
- Enhancing my confidence
- Built my knowledge on certain aspects of the media industry.
When the project began, I had very basic knowledge of the tools I had at my disposal, I eventually began to understand by researching and asking for guidance from my teachers. I eventually grew my abilities in a multitude of editing types and used those enhanced skills. I also learnt how to film using professional camera equipment as well as how to act and analyse set locations. I also learnt the deeper meaning behind Mise en scene and why it is so important when making/completing projects similar to this one. I will use my knowledge for future projects going forward as well as in my future career as I begin to develop them more as time goes on.